Average Usd To Euro Exchange Rate 2024. Lowest exchange rate in 2024: 1.1035 usd, average exchange rate in 2024:

Lowest exchange rate in 2024: These rates are updated at the beginning of the following month.
0.9418 Eur, Average Exchange Rate In 2024:
1.0618 usd, highest exchange rate in 2024:
1 Usd = 0.933103 Eur.
Our main task is to maintain price stability in the euro area and so preserve the purchasing power of the single currency.
Lowest Exchange Rate In 2024:
Images References :
The Average Us Dollar To Euro Exchange Rate In 2024 Was 1 Us Dollar = 0.9235 Euro.
The highest exchange rate between the us dollar and the euro in 2024 was 1 usd = 0.9419 eur on tuesday, april 16, 2024.
1 Usd = 0.933103 Eur.
1.0825 usd live eur usd.
0.9062 Eur, Highest Exchange Rate In 2024: